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侯伟 2013-8-5 13:36:11

Recently Matt and our good friend Jamieson of Jamieson Dean Photography, two international award winning Toronto Wedding Photographers compared the Nikon D4 with Canon’s new 1DX camera. Matthew Boyce, as most know is the main photographer and head of Xero Digital. Always happy with Nikon’s camera bodies in-past, the new D4 left Matt bothered by what seemed to be a step backwards for Nikon in the form of a green lcd screen that made colour difficult to judge. After hearing much praise about Canon’s new 1DX camera, Matt decided to buy both and compare them. The decision is a big one for a wedding photographer with a decade worth of experience and collection of lenses and flashes…

Matt and Jamieson put both cameras through a series of head to head tests & comparisons, including:
  • High ISO Raw image noise
  • Low-Light Auto Focus
  • Auto Focus Speed
  • Auto Focus Consistency
  • Highlight & Shadow Recovery
  • Screen Colour & White Balance
One of the burning questions that many photographers and tech-junkies want to know is: Which camera is cleaner at high ISO’s? We’re going to publish the first part of our test, which is the high-iso studio scene  comparison. Below is a series of shots of the exact same scene, under the exact same conditions, with the exact same camera settings for all images. These are 100% crops of iso800 through to the very max iso. They were shot RAW, processed in Lightroom 4 with all sharpening and noise reduction set to zero. The images were then output to the same resolution (12mp) for comparison, then re-imported into lightroom.
For a link to a zip file containing all of the original RAW files,  click here!

After comparing the sets of images in Lightroom and comparing the two cameras, there wasn’t exactly a clear winner. The Nikon D4 seemed to have cleaner highlights, while the Canon 1Dx appeared to have better contrast and possibly cleaner shadows. In the end, if we have to award a point here and pick a winner, it’s the Nikon D4 – by a hair. Still, the Canon 1Dx still has slightly more pleasing colour and overall image tone.

One important factor of a camera to wedding photographers is how well it can focus in low light situations. Both churches and reception venues have a tendency to be dark by design. It’s crucial that our camera can focus in these situations both quickly and accurately.
This was an extremely simple and quick test for us to perform. Both Matt and Jamieson stood beside one another, picked the same target, and continued to shoot as we continuously dimmed the lights. Both cameras performed incredibly well, blowing away expectations, however there was one clear winner; the Nikon D4. The 1Dx just couldn’t grab focus in the final stages of dimming the lights. The Nikon D4 wasn’t snapping into focus at lighting speeds by any means, but after a few pumps of the AF button it would finally grab focus and snap.
Jamieson, who has used pretty much every Canon body released in the last few years did note that the 1Dx is a huge step forward for Canon in this regard. It should be noted that in 2011, Matt and Jamieson held a similar test comparing Jamieson’s Canon 1D Mark IV with Matt’s Nikon D3s. In that test, it was pathetically clear that Canon had very poor AF performance in low light with the 1D Mark IV. This poor low light AF actually sparked an inverted scenario to the one we have today; It was Jamieson who was considering switching from Canon to Nikon. Now here we are over a year later, and though the Nikon D4 just edged out the Canon 1Dx in this area, Jamieson is officially giving the 1Dx a big thumbs up for the improvement over it’s predecessor.

Fast AF is imperative for wedding photojournalism. Since much of what we do consists of this style of shooting, this can determine whether or not we catch a moment. It’s when we see that bridesmaid doing a spontaneous drunken touchdown dance in the corner of our peripheral vision, who will certainly stop when we point our lens at her. It’s the fly that the best man thought was a bee. It’s that couple laughing before they realize your lens is pointed at them and they instinctively stop, put their heads together and smile as if to say “no candid shots of us”. If a camera’s AF is too slow, none of these moments will ever become images.
In order to determine which system had the faster AF, Matthew and Jamieson took the cameras to the roof, finding two targets; one near, and one far. They bounced the focus from the near to the far, snapping a succession of images as quickly as the cameras would let them. The lenses used were the newest 70-200 f2.8 II image stabilized lenses from both Canon and Nikon, which are the lenses most likely to be used in a photojournalism scenario, and generally offer the fastest AF.
The previous tests were close to call. This wasn’t. The Canon 1Dx ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED the Nikon D4 in the AF speed test. It was almost three times faster than the Nikon. Where the D4 was yielding an average of just under one image per second, the 1Dx was handily snapping three. Even more telling was the hesitation that the Nikon D4 seemed to display, at times not knowing if it should continue to focus forward, or head back. In contrast, the Canon 1Dx just ripped it to shreds, launching it’s AF like a shotgun, sure and confident, every time.
Matt, who has over a decade of experience with Nikon cameras & lenses was absolutely blown away by the Canon performance here. He echoed himself over and over again for hours afterward, saying “I can’t believe how fast that Canon can drive those lenses…”
A clear winner in the Canon 1Dx

I’m going to skip the explanation as to why this is important to a wedding photographer, and assume a certain level of reader intellect.
Now, one might assume that if I said that one camera was more consistent, that it wins, right? Unfortunately, this test yielded results that were not so cut & dry…
This test was performed using two of the most popular top-end portrait lenses, the Nikon 85mm f1.4-G, and the Canon 85mm f1.2 L II. We wanted to shoot wide-open, however since the Canon lens offers an extra 1/3 stop over the Nikon, Jamieson and Matt set both to f1.4. A succession of 12 images was shot with each with the goal being to hit the subjects eye as accurately and often as possible. We figured this would be easy if we simply took the 12 images from each, opened the files in Lightroom, and counted how many each camera delivered with the eyes in focus. It wasn’t that easy.

The Nikon D4 delivered 12 of 12 images in-focus. 100%.
The Canon 1Dx gave us 9 images in focus, 1 on the nose, and two on the ears.

So, where’s the confusion? Well, when we describe what is “in-focus”, it looks like the Canon 1Dx has a different definition of the term. Those 9 images that the 1Dx delivered in-focus absolutely destroyed the Nikon D4 in terms of detail and accuracy. In fact, that one that hit the nose seemed to be a bit more like what we saw from the D4 in every shot.
We stopped the lenses down to f3.2 & f3.5 in order to gain a bit more depth of field and give the camera’s no excuse by way of lens softness. The story was the same; the Canon just delivered sharper, clearer images than the Nikon.
We performed this test with the 70-200mm lenses as well. Similar results. The Nikon seems “consistently good”, while the Canon is “more often great”.
Forcing Matt and Jamieson to pick a black & white winner with such grey results, both picked the same winner:
Without hesitation, the 1Dx.

We shoot Raw. What this means is that there’s generally a little wiggle room in post production if we want to change the colour, sharpness, and in particular the exposure of an image. Sometimes we choose to grab a shot before we have the chance to set the ideal settings on the camera. The dynamic range of a camera is what determines how much headroom we will have in a file, and therefore how far off our shot settings can be before it becomes unsalvageable.
First Matt and Jamieson shot the same scene overexposed by about three stops. When bringing the raw files into Lightroom and dropping the exposure by three stops, both cameras performed exceptionally. The resulting image was void of any highlight clipping or colour channel clipping on the subject. Incredible.
The shadow recovery test was a different story altogether…
We’ve heard that the Nikon D4 has a more advanced analog to digital converter, which places the ADC on-chip and preserves analog signal by digitizing it earlier in the processing chain. In contrast, the Canon’s analog signal from the sensor has to travel a bit farther to a separate processor to become digital. This means that the analog signal, having farther to travel, is more susceptible to picking up noise before it becomes digital. Signal to noise.
How does this geek talk translate to shadow recovery?  That deep shadow noise that you don’t see in a normal image becomes more obvious when the exposure is pushed a few stops in-post. When examining a shot that was underexposed, then rescued by pushing it three or four stops, the Nikon D4 showed a clear advantage over the Canon 1Dx. There was noticeably more noise in the 1Dx shadows after the rescue, whereas the Nikon D4 still maintained a very clean image.
Shadow recovery: Win for Nikon, though it should be noted that Matt actually still preferred the overall look and colour of the Canon image, even after the shadow recovery.  Jamieson disagrees, and has given Nikon a full point for this.

As mentioned in the opening paragraph, the bone that Matt has to pick with Nikon is over the greenish colour cast present on both the Nikon D4 LCD screen as well as its images. After using a handful of Nikon’s top end cameras over the past decade, this is the first time Matt has seen an issue like this with any Nikon camera. Matt is not alone in noticing this issue with the Nikon D4, as a simple internet search will instantly reveal many others complaining of the same green screen issue. Matt has actually called Nikon about the issue and feels that Nikon may have been a bit coy in their response when they claimed that this was the first they have heard of it, and boldly claimed that the D4 has a more actuate screen than its predecessors. Maybe Nikon doesn’t have the internet?
Needless to say, the greenish cast that the Nikon D4 exhibits is enough of an issue to put Matt into a big decision scenario; stay with Nikon or switch to Canon? Though there have been reports and claims of fixes and work-arounds to counter the green screen issue, we found that none have been effective in resolving it. Canon has an incredibly enticing system in the 1DX…is it enough to sway Matt away from his beloved Nikon system after over a decade of professional loyalty?

Check out the video review with Jamieson and Matt, where Matt makes his decision!

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2013-8-5 14:16:58
侯伟 楼主
2013-8-5 14:37:43
索威123 发表于 2013-8-5 14:16

2013-8-5 15:58:00
侯伟 发表于 2013-8-5 14:37

2013-8-5 16:03:12



  • 高ISO原始图像噪声
  • 弱光自动对焦
  • 自动对焦速度
  • 自动对焦的一致性
  • 高亮&阴影恢复
  • 屏幕色彩和白平衡
高ISO RAW图像噪声
其中一个亟待解决的问题,很多摄影师和高科技迷们想知道的是:哪个相机在高ISO的清洁?我们将公布我们的测试的第一部分,这是在高ISO的演播室现场比较。下面是完全相同的场景拍摄了一系列的,完全相同的条件下,用相同的相机设置的所有图像。这些都是非常的最高ISO ISO800到100%的作物。他们拍摄的RAW,在Lightroom 4处理所有的锐化和降噪设置为零。图像,然后输出到相同的分辨率(1200万像素)进行比较,然后再导入到Lightroom中。

比较图像集后,在Lightroom和比较两个摄像头,但不完全是一个明显的赢家。尼康D4似乎有清洁的亮点,而佳能1DX似乎有更好的对比度和可能更清洁的阴影。最终,如果我们要在这里授予点,并挑选一个赢家,它是尼康D4 - 一个头发。尽管如此,仍然有佳能1DX稍微更令人愉悦的色彩和整体形象音。

贾米森,谁使用了几乎每一个佳能机身确实在过去的几年里发布注意1DX是为佳能在这方面迈出了一大步。应该指出,2011年,马特和贾米森比较贾米森的佳能1D Mark IV与马 ​​特的尼康D3S举行了类似的测试。在该测试中,这是可怜清楚,佳能1D Mark IV的低光自动对焦性能非常差。这个可怜的低光自动对焦居然引发了我们今天有一个倒置的情况下,它是贾米森考虑切换从佳能尼康。现在我们在这里过了一年之后,虽然尼康D4刚刚挤掉佳能1DX在这方面,贾米森正式给予1DX大拇指改进它的前身。

为了确定哪个系统有更快的自动对焦,马修和贾米森带着相机到屋顶,发现两个目标,一个近,远。他们反弹的焦点,从近到远,继承图像捕捉尽快相机会让他们。所使用的镜头是最新的70-200 F2.8 II图像稳定从佳能和尼康的镜头,镜头是最有可能被用在一个新闻摄影场景,一般提供最快的自动对焦。
前面的测试已接近致电。这不是。佳能1DX绝对摧毁了尼康D4的自动对焦速度测试。这是尼康的几乎3倍的速度比。1DX D4得到平均每秒刚下一个图像,轻易捕捉三个。更能说明问题的是犹豫,尼康D4似乎显示,在不知道是否应该继续向前集中,或头向后仰。相比之下,佳能1DX刚刚撕开它撕成碎片,像一个猎枪,肯定和自信,每次启动它的自动对焦。

这个测试是使用两个最流行 ​​的顶级人像镜 ​​头,尼康85mm F1.4-G,佳能85毫米F1.2 L II。我们想拍摄开阔,然而因为佳能镜头提供了一个额外的1/3以上尼康,贾米森和马特都设置为F1.4。连续拍摄12张图片每个受试者眼尽可能准确,往往打的目标。我们想通了这将是很容易的,如果我们仅仅用了12张图片从每个打开的文件在Lightroom中,多少算每个摄像头与眼睛对焦交付。这并不容易。

佳能1DX 100%。给了我们9张图像的焦点,在鼻子上,两个耳朵上。








侯伟 楼主
2013-8-5 16:16:23
图美轩 发表于 2013-8-5 15:58

2013-8-5 18:45:23
丶九天灬丿鹏 发表于 2013-8-5 16:03
十年后的专业尼康相机拍摄,马特是想切换到佳能...最近,Matt和我们的好朋友贾米森贾米森院长摄影,两 ...

2013-8-5 23:34:23
我本山贼 发表于 2013-8-5 18:45

2013-12-6 10:44:05
2014-9-19 08:08:37
一个人都不认识   我是个文盲啊:'(